Life and woes of an anime otaku living in suburbia..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Things NOT to tell/do to a Pregnant Woman

I know people mean well. I know people love babies and a pregnant woman is a blessing and exciting. but please please please think before you act!

Comment: "Wow, you are HUGE!"
Mama2be thinks: "Are you saying i'm fat?"

Comment: "Wow, are you expecting TWINS?!"
Mama2be thinks: "You ARE saying i'm fat!"

Action: Complete stranger walks up and starts rubbing your belly while cooing
Mama2be thinks: Assault charges / Reporting you to HR

Comment: "You are wide so you must be expecting a girl!"
Mama2be thinks: "Ultrasound says it's a boy"

Comment: "Not long now!!!! You must be scared/nervous!"
Mama2be thinks: "Oh is it that close? Hadn't noticed."

Comment: "You are due in June? I don't think you are going to make it - the doctor got the date wrong"
Mama2be thinks: "Okay then, show me your medical degree Ms. Costco Cashier"


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, you have a blog! Great, I was wondering how I could ignore my intray this afternoon... ;-)

Happy birthday!

8:57 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

My fav..."OH,I'm tired too."

Because, ya know..there is NO difference between "Tired" and "Pregnancy tired." or "Pregnancy tired with kids and can't catnap when they want to..tired" We're on number 6 and that comment still makes me want to kick the person. LOL

3:05 PM


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