Things NOT to tell/do to a Pregnant Woman
I know people mean well. I know people love babies and a pregnant woman is a blessing and exciting. but please please please think before you act!
Comment: "Wow, you are HUGE!"
Mama2be thinks: "Are you saying i'm fat?"
Comment: "Wow, are you expecting TWINS?!"
Mama2be thinks: "You ARE saying i'm fat!"
Action: Complete stranger walks up and starts rubbing your belly while cooing
Mama2be thinks: Assault charges / Reporting you to HR
Comment: "You are wide so you must be expecting a girl!"
Mama2be thinks: "Ultrasound says it's a boy"
Comment: "Not long now!!!! You must be scared/nervous!"
Mama2be thinks: "Oh is it that close? Hadn't noticed."
Comment: "You are due in June? I don't think you are going to make it - the doctor got the date wrong"
Mama2be thinks: "Okay then, show me your medical degree Ms. Costco Cashier"