-10+2 = DAMMIT!
40-30-30 Fat flush...or Death by Veggies?
Mood: Depressed
So I've done the 21 day fat flush diet. And I have gotten to know myself, my body and my partner(who was on the same diet) a little better.
Some "Pearls of Wisdom" about this diet:
-You will have no life. Your life will consist of preparing, cooking, eating, washing up, preparing lunch, cooking, eating... you see where i am going?
-There will be veggies and LOTS of it. Expect to bleed veggies.
-No bread, potatoes, pasta or rice. Rice cakes start to look REAL good....
-We cheated once and the Scale gods were not amused. We didn't lose for a couple of days. WE BOW TO YOU OH GREAT SCALE GOD!
Also if you get off the diet don't eat pancakes ;) Richard gained 4.5 pounds in 1 day!